Introduction America is a country with a rich and diverse history. It’s the home of some of the world’s most influential people and places—from pop culture icons like Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson to historical figures such as Martin Luther King Jr., Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson. But […]
Travel America
Exploring The Creative Pulse Of America Through Art, Travel, And Exploration
Introduction Are you a lover of art, travel, and exploration? Do you want to see the most beautiful parts of America? If so, then we have some amazing recommendations for you! The United States is home to some of the most unique, interesting and diverse landscapes in the world. From […]
A Historical and Architectural Guide to the Iconic Landmarks of America
Introduction America is a land of many destinations and landmarks. From the East Coast to the West Coast, you’ll find history, culture, and breathtaking sites that will give you an intimate look into our nation’s past. If you’re planning a trip to America, check out these iconic landmarks! National Mall […]
The USA: A Snapshot Of The American Dream
Introduction I’ve been lucky enough to travel to all 50 states in the U.S., and each one has a unique set of traditions, cultures and customs. It’s hard to believe that such a large country has so much diversity within its borders! Here’s my snapshot of what America looks like […]
What’s the Daily Life of an American Really Like?
Introduction America is a country of many different people, who come from various backgrounds and cultures. While this diversity makes America unique, it also means that there is no one way to live here. Americans are free to follow their own dreams and interests, as long as they respect others’ […]
American Landmarks Series: The St. Louis Gateway Arch
Introduction The Gateway Arch is the tallest monument in the United States and one of the most famous structures in the world. It was built to commemorate Thomas Jefferson’s vision of a westward expansion and Lewis and Clark’s expedition across America; it also commemorates St. Louis’ role as a major […]
What The American Dream Means To Me (And Why I’m So Thankful For It)
Introduction The American dream is a concept that’s been around for centuries. It’s something that people all over the world aspire to, but it means something different for everyone. For me, it’s about working hard towards something and then reaching your goals. As I’ve gotten older and watched more of […]
My Thoughts On American Cuisine
Introduction Americans like their food. We’re a big country, and we’ve got some of the best chefs in the world making everything from hot dogs to lobster. If you want to go out to eat at an American restaurant but don’t know where to start, here are my favorite American […]
Best National Parks in the United States
Introduction The United States is home to some of the most awe-inspiring natural wonders on Earth. From the deserts of Death Valley to the mountains of Glacier, these national parks offer countless opportunities for adventure and exploration. Here are my top ten picks for must-see national parks in the USA: […]
What To Do: How to Survive a Festivals
Introduction Is it festival season? If you’re anything like me, that means you’re probably thinking about how much fun you’ll have at the next music festival. What’s not to love? Festivals are a great way to get out of the house and enjoy some time with friends outside under the […]