How To Embrace The Charms Of Asian Living

Janice Annan


We’ve all heard of the phrase “going abroad,” but what does it really mean? Expats are people who choose to live outside their home country in order to experience a new culture and way of life, but they don’t always have to be full-time travelers. For many people, moving abroad is like traveling for an extended period of time—except that you get to keep your job and rent an apartment instead of staying at a hostel!

Life in Asia is a world apart from what we’re used to in the West.

Life in Asia is a world apart from what we’re used to in the West. The challenges of living here are different from those faced by expats in other parts of the world, and vary depending on where you choose to live. In this article, we’ll look at some of these challenges and how they can be overcome by embracing local customs and learning more about your new culture and language.

Although each country has its own unique set of challenges for newcomers, there are some commonalities: language barriers; cultural differences; unfamiliar legal systems; unfamiliar health care systems; differing income levels and standards of living; unfamiliar food preparation methods (or lack thereof). These factors can make even simple tasks seem daunting–but with an open mind, determination and patience you’ll soon find yourself settling into life as an expat without too much difficulty!

It’s possible to travel around Asia for relatively little money, but there are still things you need to know about living like an expat.

It’s possible to travel around Asia for relatively little money, but there are still things you need to know about living like an expat.

For example, if you live in a Western country and have never been exposed to Asian culture or cuisine before, the food might be an issue. If you eat only Western food then it is going to be hard on your body when switching over to eating mostly rice everyday!

If this sounds familiar then I suggest trying out some recipes from around Asia before going on holiday so that when traveling through different countries it won’t be such a shock when trying new foods at restaurants or markets – especially if those places don’t speak English very well either!

Expats who want to stay connected to their home country and family can do so through affordable data plans and affordable international calls.

If you’re an expat, it’s important to stay connected to your family and friends back home. And if you want to stay in touch with the culture of your home country as well, then the best way is through affordable data plans and international calls.

There are many ways that you can do this:

  • Use social media platforms like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp (which both offer free calls)
  • Get a SIM card for your phone when traveling abroad so that you can use local networks in other countries without paying extra fees for roaming charges
  • Buy a cheap phone from China or Korea if all else fails

If you’re going to be staying in one country for any extended period of time, it’s important that you learn the local language. This will make your life easier in many ways!

If you’re going to be staying in one country for any extended period of time, it’s important that you learn the local language. This will make your life easier in many ways!

  • It will help you get around more easily. If there are no English speakers around, how are you supposed to get around and find your way? Well, if you know some basic phrases or words then people can help translate for you. Also, if they think that foreigners who speak their language are cool (which they usually do), then they’ll want to help out too!
  • Learning about their culture is fun and interesting; it gives us insight into other people’s lives which makes them seem less foreign when we travel abroad later on down the road as well as giving us something new to talk about when hanging out with friends back home who may not have ever been overseas before either!
  • Learning how things work here allows us access into parts of society which might otherwise remain closed off due “foreigner” status alone.”

Don’t forget the importance of personal security when living abroad; there are certain things you should take care of right away because they’ll protect you from some risks that might come up later on.

If you’re thinking about moving abroad, it’s important to take care of some personal security issues before leaving. These are things that will keep you safe and sound during your time in Asia and beyond.

  • Make sure you have a local mobile phone. If something bad happens, having a local number can make all the difference when it comes to getting help.
  • Update your passport as soon as possible! It’s also good practice to keep copies of any important documents (like visas) somewhere safe so that if anything happens while traveling abroad, they won’t be lost forever–just ask me how I know this one firsthand…

It’s also helpful to identify what types of risks are common in certain areas, so that you can be prepared if something happens. For example, Thailand’s beaches tend to have more beach thefts than most other countries’. By knowing this ahead of time, expats can take action before it gets too bad!

It’s also helpful to identify what types of risks are common in certain areas, so that you can be prepared if something happens. For example, Thailand’s beaches tend to have more beach thefts than most other countries’. By knowing this ahead of time, expats can take action before it gets too bad!

The same goes for any other country you’re visiting: Knowing the risks helps you plan ahead and avoid them (or at least minimize them). You’ll know what precautions to take when visiting a new area; or if something does happen, then hopefully your knowledge will help prevent further damage from occurring.

Living abroad doesn’t have to be intimidating or difficult if you do it right!

Living abroad doesn’t have to be intimidating or difficult if you do it right!

  • Be open to new experiences: You may find that some of the local customs are very different from what you’re used to, but don’t let this scare you away. The best way to embrace the charms of Asian living is by making an effort to understand these differences and try them out for yourself. For example, consider how easy it would be for someone who grew up eating bread with jam on top every morning at breakfast time? Or how about someone who was accustomed to drinking coffee from a mug rather than using cups made out of porcelain? These types of things might seem strange at first glance but once we give ourselves permission (and maybe even take some risks) then we start having fun exploring different ways of doing things!
  • Be prepared for culture shock: Although there’s no way around experiencing some degree of culture shock when moving overseas; it helps if you go into your journey knowing what kind of impact this change might have on your mental health too.”


We hope you’ve enjoyed this look at some of the most important things to know about living abroad. You don’t have to be an expert before you go; just keep these tips in mind and enjoy the adventure!

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